Monday 8 December 2014

Shorten your url and earn money

Hello buddies,

Join shorten your url and earn money.

Join now -

How will I be paid?
We send payment using PayPal or Payoneer.
For PayPal (, the lowest withdrawal amount is $5.
For Payoneer (, the lowest withdrawal amount is $10.
Payments are sent automatically once a month, provided that the lowest withdrawal amount above has been obtained.

What will happen if I wasn't able earn enough to be paid?
There is no need to worry in case you fail to earn the minimum amount to be paid this month. What you have earned shall be carried into the next month or until you are able to meet the minimum amount.

Is it okay to ask people to click on my links so that I can make money?
No. It is essential that the user should click on your links for the sole purpose of getting to the destination website and not because they were solicited or forced to do so.
It is prohibited to offer ANY reward for a user in exchange for clicking on an link aside from the destination link content. For instance, you cannot give points, bonus or money.

Is it okay to shrink websites that has adult material?
No. Shrinking website URLs that contain or link to adult material is prohibited. Generally, adult material is considered as anything that is unsuited to persons below 18 years of age, but the ultimate decision as to the classification of adult material is at our discretion. If you are not certain whether the site is adult or not, please contact us for further information.

How can I report incidence of abuse?
To report any incidence of abuse that may have come to your knowledge, please use our dedicated form located at:

How does this work? is a cutting-edge service that enables you to make money from every visitor to your shortened links. The process is simple.

    Create an account by clicking on the “Join” button that is found on our homepage at
    You will then need to log in to your newly created account.
    Type in your favourite website in the big white box. Click on Shrink! Afterwards, your initial URL will be shown and it may look like this example:

The work starts now that you have an URL that is connected with your account.

You must exert every possible effort to give maximum exposure to your link as you will be paid for each person that will click on the link. If you already own a website, the most efficient way to get exposure is to ‘shrink’ URLs already on your site and substitute them with links. When visitors to your site click on the links, you will make money.

There is nothing to worry about if you do not own a website as there are many ways to attract people to click on your links without resorting to spam! Here are some helpful tips:

    Take advantage of Facebook. If you have an awesome site that you can share with your friends, shrink it using first.
    Use forums. Reach out to people on a forum and help them by answering their questions. Then, shrink any website URLs with and make sure to incorporate them in your post. However, be careful not to spam or your account will be suspended. Remember this golden rule when taking advantage of forums: never violate forum rules.
    Maximize your opportunity with Twitter. If you have many followers on Twitter, then is just perfect for tweeting money-making links.
    Use venues where you usually post links. Be innovative and get paid by us each month!

Why aren’t all of my visitors being counted?
Please make sure that you have waited up to 6 hours for our data to get updated.
There are several reasons that may explain why numbers do not match.

The following must be complied with so that we will be able to pay you for your traffic:

    JavaScript must be enabled
    Flash must be enabled
    Cookies must be enabled
    Minimum of 5 seconds view of the advert
    Proxy server must not be used, except when we have advertisers that desire this traffic
    Not more than 5 links should have been already viewed that day
    The advertiser must be one who is willing to pay for traffic from their country

The last point is very essential. We cannot show an advert if we do not have an advertiser that matches your visitor.

We put every effort to minimize unpaid defaults, but, depending on the country of your visitors, this is a likely event.

Can you stop an individual shrinking my URL?
Yes. We can do that provided that you send us a complete DMCA notice at our abuse address at This must include our name / company and legal declaration. Afterwards, we will block it.
In the event that we block a URL on, no one can shrink it later on (although it may include your own account).



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